World Urban Forum: «Urban Equity in Development – Cities for life Medellín, Colombia. 5-11 de Abril de 2014
Archivos del Autor: admin
“LA NUEVA AGENDA URBANA DEL SIGLO XXI EN AMÉRICA LATINA: BALANCE Y PERSPECTIVAS” Lugar: Secretaría General Iberoamericana España Fecha: 19 de marzo de 2014
Experts Group Meeting: “Towards Effective National Urban Policies: Lessons from Current Practice”. UN-HABITAT Office in Spain Madrid, next 17th-18th March, 2014.
UN-Habitat’s Governing Council. Sustainable urban development:The role of cities in creating improved economic opportunities for all, with special reference to youth and gender”. UN Complex in Nairobi,Kenya from 15-19 April 2013.
Workshop on National Urban Policies, Nairobi, 13th April 2013